Greetings from Mid-November:'s the question of the day, and this pertains to something in my hometown of Lima, Ohio.
How long do you think it will take for Clear-Channel Lima to clean Maverick Media's clock after they switch 'CIT from Oldies over to Talk at the end of the year?...
For those of you who are un-aware, there is a strong word on the street that Maverick Media is going to spin the format wheel at 940-AM "again" from Oldies and flip it to the "Talk" format. Do I think it has the potential to work in the ratings, "yes"...but, do I think it will work?..."doubtful".
I've learned in radio (and broadcasting in general) to never say never (and if you notice above, I still didn't say it), but I've also learned too that Maverick Media's track record of success with format flips in Lima is practically non-existent. Granted, CC has some issues too (no doubt), but it clearly doesn't hold a candle to the "flip-a-coin and hope it works" mentality of the on-air product on North Cable Road. It's really sad too because at one point, that building had SO MUCH talent and potential that it would make your head spin. I remember a time when everybody who worked at those stations brought something different and innovative to the stations, forcing competition within the ranks of the jocks, programmers, and producers...therefore, making the overall product that was being put out by everyone that much better and more marketable to the general public. Now, the people left who listen (who are not the advertisers who put their ads on the stations) are lucky if they hear anyone with an original thought that's not pre-scripted off of a promo card that can't be "different" because it doesn't match the personality of a guy who "claims" he was a PD in Wisconsin (-insert me giggling and falling off my mythical stool here-).
On a completely different topic, we're officially a week and a half away from "Black Friday". Much like a lot of other people who are on a budget, I will be shopping very thrifty this year. That does not mean that I will be shopping "cheap", I will be shopping with more of a conservative mind when it comes to what I will be buying. It's not necessary to buy ten items for one person when they, from a "realistic" standpoint, will only be using maybe three or four of the items. So, the key will be to buy what they will use and use the most. It sounds difficult, but if you actually sit and think about it, it works.
Also, I have made it my mission as an early New-Years Resolution to cut my "stuff" I own down by about 25%, maybe more. Eventually, the time will come where I'm going to be moving on with my career and getting out of Lima (and I'm serious about it this time), so I'm looking at a lot of different things I have and saying to myself, "hey, I don't really need this anymore", or, "you know what, this makes no sense to own this...why do I have it?". So, therefore, I will be unloading some things after the first of the year (maybe earlier). It would be nice to make some coin off of some of it, but I'm also realistic, and I know that finding people in Lima and the surrounding areas who are into the exact same things that I am are very few and far the end, understanding that I may end up just giving a good portion of it to people, or away to various charitable groups in the area.
...and now that I'm thinking about it, would someone please tell the people that are voting for Bristol Palin to stay on "Dancing With The Stars" that she can't dance. I can dance better than her, and that's saying A LOT!
Well, that's it for now. I know, there wasn't a whole lot this time around, but trust me on this one, I feel pretty confident in saying that as we get closer to Thanksgiving, I'm going to have some fun "shopping" and "family" stuff to share...I can feel it in the air (LOL!!!)
Have a good one everybody, and remember, Stay Blessed...
P.S. - Watch "The Walking Dead" every Sunday Night at 10 on AMC. It really is "The Best New Show On Television"!
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