Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Debut Blog Post... (I hope it's a good one...!)

Greetings Everyone:

It's been quite a while since I've written a blog entry on any website that had any relevance to anything outside of my line of work. In fact, I'd say it's almost been the length of time since I've been active in Facebook more...so, around 2-3 years now (at most).  In that time, I've seen the internet and news sort of flip-flop in the sense that while news outlets such as NBC, CNN, FOX, etc...are still credible news sources, a good portion of real-time and on-scene reporting is now done more via outlets like YouTube, Facebook, and the other social networking sites that are out there. 

Speaking of news outlets, newspapers have also taken a dramatic turn in the last 3-5 years across the board...and even with my local paper "The Lima News", it's NOTHING like it used to be.  It's still readable, but not nearly as jam-packed as it once was.  Their website however is flooded with ads, blogs, articles, etc...and, video stories shot from the employees at the paper have now become a main-stay and daily part of the way they report what's going on in the area.  It is a far cry from the old business model of the 20th century of a print based product, but quite frankly, the 21st century ways of life changed everything else that is a part of our everyday life period.

On the subject of changes over the last few years, here's something to ponder for those of us who grew up with being taught as we were in the 1980's and up through the 90's (and even earlier than that)...and this may not seem like a big deal to some, but it is sort of a scary thing to me in a way.
Around 20-25 years ago, I was first taught the basics of the Dewey Decimal System.  For years going up through my time in High School, I used it to find reference material for book reports, school projects, and even just books to read for myself.  Now, everything is cataloged on a hard drive and updated in real-time (which is cool, don't get me wrong)...but, here's a thought.  The next generation that comes up (which from all accounts will be in the next 5-10 years, give or take) will have everything on computer and a good portion of everything will be paper-less.  Let's say for the sake of argument that those computers go down (because as you know, computers are flawless...wink wink, nudge nudge).  How will those students or young people find anything?...
...it's a funny thing to think about, but it's also sort of scary at the same time.  Reading is fundamental...it really is!

Shifting gears now, let's talk politics.  I'm going to be very straight up with you here as I want all of you to know where I'm coming from when I discuss the state of my hometown, my state, and my country.  I am a registered Republican.  I tend to vote more to the right, but that does not always mean I'll vote that way.  I vote for who I feel will be the better candidate, I just happen to agree more with the Republican point-of-view rather than not...and here's my gripe right now. 
I live in the State Of Ohio, and with the exception of the Cordray/DeWine race, there is really no one in any race going on anywhere this cycle that I want to vote for or work for...and chastise me if you like, but I'm not a Mike DeWine fan.  I just can't pull the trigger on him.  He's sort of like the Brett Favre of politics at this point. He should have stayed retired back in 2006 when he left the first time that way his legacy would've stayed intact.  Now, (at least from my side of things) he's just running to run because he's bored and has nothing better to do.  I think he was a good Lieutenant Governor in his day, his Senate record was so-so, but none-the-less, he still served Ohio to the best of his ability...but seriously, when he was done in the Senate, he should have just stayed retired.
So, even though I respect his record in public service, I will not be voting for Mike DeWine today!

In the Governor's race, I think it's too close to call...and the reason I think it's too close to call is because we have the incumbent who's success record in the State reads like the platinum and gold status of William Hung & Keven Federline, going up against a guy who has had success on Wall Street...for himself!
Basically, it's the lesser of two evils here.  Do I vote for the guy who is lazy and does nothing except show up on TV every few weeks for an appearance and try to convince me that statistics don't matter, or do I vote for the guy who destroyed lives and kept the money for himself?... hmm, weigh the pros and cons.  You see what I mean?

Speaking of people who are worth about the change I have in my pocket, someone please tell Sarah Palin to go away.  She's killing the GOP.  Putting aside her looks, what has she done that means anything for the majority of people?...
Don't talk to me about family values Mrs. Palin when you can't even get your own house in order.  With all due respect, I'm sure it's not an easy job doing what she does...but, just once, is it possible to be pro-active rather than re-active when approaching a conflict?...  I'm just curious.

OK...on a much lighter note, let's talk about music.  What was the last album you bought?... upping the game, what was the last "new" album you bought as well?...
Just sort of a question I've been wanting to ask for a while now too...so, take your time and get back with me. 

That's all I have for right now.  As I get more, I'll post...but, I hope you've enjoyed my first blog post and have been entertained.  Remember, you read at your own risk, and if you get offended, just keep this in mind. You can always go somewhere else if you don't like what I post or do not agree with my point-of-view.  No one is stopping you!

Have fun in life, and treat others like you would like to be treated.  Be Blessed...
