Greetings from Mid-November:'s the question of the day, and this pertains to something in my hometown of Lima, Ohio.
How long do you think it will take for Clear-Channel Lima to clean Maverick Media's clock after they switch 'CIT from Oldies over to Talk at the end of the year?...
For those of you who are un-aware, there is a strong word on the street that Maverick Media is going to spin the format wheel at 940-AM "again" from Oldies and flip it to the "Talk" format. Do I think it has the potential to work in the ratings, "yes"...but, do I think it will work?..."doubtful".
I've learned in radio (and broadcasting in general) to never say never (and if you notice above, I still didn't say it), but I've also learned too that Maverick Media's track record of success with format flips in Lima is practically non-existent. Granted, CC has some issues too (no doubt), but it clearly doesn't hold a candle to the "flip-a-coin and hope it works" mentality of the on-air product on North Cable Road. It's really sad too because at one point, that building had SO MUCH talent and potential that it would make your head spin. I remember a time when everybody who worked at those stations brought something different and innovative to the stations, forcing competition within the ranks of the jocks, programmers, and producers...therefore, making the overall product that was being put out by everyone that much better and more marketable to the general public. Now, the people left who listen (who are not the advertisers who put their ads on the stations) are lucky if they hear anyone with an original thought that's not pre-scripted off of a promo card that can't be "different" because it doesn't match the personality of a guy who "claims" he was a PD in Wisconsin (-insert me giggling and falling off my mythical stool here-).
On a completely different topic, we're officially a week and a half away from "Black Friday". Much like a lot of other people who are on a budget, I will be shopping very thrifty this year. That does not mean that I will be shopping "cheap", I will be shopping with more of a conservative mind when it comes to what I will be buying. It's not necessary to buy ten items for one person when they, from a "realistic" standpoint, will only be using maybe three or four of the items. So, the key will be to buy what they will use and use the most. It sounds difficult, but if you actually sit and think about it, it works.
Also, I have made it my mission as an early New-Years Resolution to cut my "stuff" I own down by about 25%, maybe more. Eventually, the time will come where I'm going to be moving on with my career and getting out of Lima (and I'm serious about it this time), so I'm looking at a lot of different things I have and saying to myself, "hey, I don't really need this anymore", or, "you know what, this makes no sense to own this...why do I have it?". So, therefore, I will be unloading some things after the first of the year (maybe earlier). It would be nice to make some coin off of some of it, but I'm also realistic, and I know that finding people in Lima and the surrounding areas who are into the exact same things that I am are very few and far the end, understanding that I may end up just giving a good portion of it to people, or away to various charitable groups in the area.
...and now that I'm thinking about it, would someone please tell the people that are voting for Bristol Palin to stay on "Dancing With The Stars" that she can't dance. I can dance better than her, and that's saying A LOT!
Well, that's it for now. I know, there wasn't a whole lot this time around, but trust me on this one, I feel pretty confident in saying that as we get closer to Thanksgiving, I'm going to have some fun "shopping" and "family" stuff to share...I can feel it in the air (LOL!!!)
Have a good one everybody, and remember, Stay Blessed...
P.S. - Watch "The Walking Dead" every Sunday Night at 10 on AMC. It really is "The Best New Show On Television"!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Random things of a random nature...yet still scratching my head!
Greetings From Bean-Town:
Since the last time I had a blog post, the Republicans have taken back control of the house, and I went to my job all last week and earned a living. Overall, it wasn't a bad week (LOL!!!)...
...but seriously, this past week wasn't bad. I managed to get quite a bit done in a very short amount of time, and did it all on my own accordance. Overall, pretty good time had by all.
Remember, you read the following at your own risk, and if you get offended, just keep this in mind. You can always go somewhere else if you don't like what I post or do not agree with my point-of-view. No one is stopping you!
Getting into a "random topic of the day" category, what's your opinion on people who live off of government programs and subsidies who are just flat out lazy and refuse to (A) get a job, or (B) do anything with their life that's worthwhile?...
I'm not talking about people who are "really" in need of it (such as retirees or something similiar to that), or those who had a workplace injury and are to the point where they're in pain from the moment they wake up in the morning till the moment they go back to sleep, or even those who have a sickness such as addiction, chronic health issues, and etc. That's a completely different thing that I understand fully (and believe me, I'm not saying anything negative about that or anyone who falls into any of those categories). I'm talking about those who work under the table, earn kick-backs from other sources that are not reported, and get involved in MAJOR physical activity...yet, once a month, they walk to their mailbox (or sit in front of their computer and look at their self-over-stated bank statement via direct deposit), and get a check from the government that they shouldn't even be getting a penny of (and I'm sure everyone has known someone at some point or another that is like this). That's what I'm talking about...those that commit "fraud" and cheat the system.
There are people who really need that money more-so than others, but because of loop-holes in the laws, there are people who should be entitled to the maximum amount of benefits who are not, and then those who have no other life but cheating & lying get their wallets padded in the end. It doesn't seem right to me!
Speaking of benefits, same idea goes for the SNAP program in this country as well (which for those of you from the generations before this one, that's the new name for the food stamp program). I'm all for helping those in need and families that are having a tough go of it (always have been and always will be...after all, I was one of those kids who lived off of the government programs at one point in my life when I was MUCH younger), but I tend to have a real issue with certain parents (and I'm sure you've known a few) who every nine-months pop out a baby, then as quickly as they gave birth, they're pregnant again...but by a different father. Sometimes, it really seems as if the government programs (like SNAP) are only built these days for situations as listed in the previous sentence. I know they're not, but sometimes it seems that way.
Life is precious, but so is common-sense. Seriously, how tough is it as a male to keep it in your pants, and as a woman to keep your legs closed?...I'm really beginning to wonder about that myself. I'm all for people having kids and starting a family, but I think once you hit double digits of offspring and every-one of the child support payments you're receiving for those children are coming from different sources, I think it's time to re-evaluate your life choices!
Moving onto a completely different subject (and one that I'm sure will cause a little bit of a stir if the previous opinions haven't already), it's been close to a year-and-a-half ago now that I was a paul bearer and a part of laying to rest a pioneer and innovator of Lima Radio, "Les Rau". I look back on everything he (and Art Versnick included) did to bring great radio and entertainment to my hometown of Lima, and it makes me smile. It's sort of funny because at the funeral, Art stood up and spoke, and with his trademark deep yet projecting voice said, "if we would have known then what we know now, we wouldn't have sold the stations as we did".
I bring that up to transition to what I'm about to say.
I honestly believe that the day that I, along with the others involved in carrying Mr. Rau's casket to his final resting place, carried not just the man who helped in the re-inventing & pioneering of entertaining radio in Lima to his grave, but I felt as I was walking away from the graveside service and back to the car, "Lima radio is now officially dead"...and, I even said that to my dad when we got back into the car on the way back to the church for the traditional meal.
I believe that the day that Les Rau was laid to rest was the day that Lima radio officially ceased to exist anymore. There are still stations on the air in Lima (don't get me wrong), but it's not ANYTHING like it once was. All interaction & area-related programming in Lima radio has been replaced by people (with the exception of a VERY select few) who do not care one bit about what goes out over the air, and that is more than evident and clear when you turn the stations on. It's pretty sad when the majority of the people I associate with will listen to radio outside of the area, and won't even touch what Lima has to offer...and you know, I don't blame them. I spent just over twelve-and-a-half years in the radio business in Lima in various positions from board-op, to imaging director, to MD, to APD, to writer/producer (yes, an ACTUAL producer...NOT a board-op), and progressively over the last 2-4 years (I'd say from late 2006 up to now), the climate for radio in Lima has just taken a dramatic (and sometimes turbulent) downfall. You've got one group of stations that have the highest rated stations in town with little to no dollars to show for it...then, the opposite on the other end of town with a cluster that has so much money they don't know what to do with it (so they build kitchenettes & put flat screen TV's in the studios that serve no real purpose), but yet in the end, they can't seem to even come close to the number one rated station in town if they combined all of their clustered stations ratings together. It makes absolutely no sense!
It's kind of embarrasing when the christian station that still has turn-tables and cassette decks in their production rooms and on-air studios that is supported off of listener donations has better programming and a better product on the air than the commercial really is!, radio, radio...that was what I started my life out doing. I'm not involved in it anymore, but I used to be.
You know, I've been thinking more and more lately about what would've happened had I never got into the business in the first place, and I walk away with the answer..."I don't know". I have a pretty good concept on what "might" have happened, but of course unless I know for sure (which I do not), then I'll never really know. All I know is that I'm starting to reach the point now after being out of the business for just under a year-and-a-half that I'm starting to miss it. I don't miss the general jargon I had to go through in the Lima market, but I miss the business itself. I miss the fun I used to have...I miss the people I used to be able to interact with...I miss being able to basically be a production factory for people who can actually PROGRAM...but most of all, I miss my first love. I know that sounds so cheesy and self-centered, but I do. Unless there is a dramatic turn of events anytime soon (which I do not see happening), I will never work in Lima radio ever again...although, I do find it rather interesting (and I'm sure you will too) that my former employer of Maverick Media Of Lima kept me on as an independent contractor for just over six months after I left in May of 2009, so I guess I wasn't ALL bad (but, it is sort of a funny story when you hear WHY they won't use me anymore for their outside work, it really is...which maybe I might have to get into at a later time and place if I can get the time).
On a TV now, for anyone that is a fan of good cable television and Horror Movies (and also anyone that likes to have the "you-know-what" scared out of them), check into "The Walking Dead" on AMC sunday nights at 10pm. As Vanity Fair said, it's "The Best New Show On Television". Check it out!
Well, that's it...that's all I have for right now. Time to start another work week, and this has the potential to be a REALLY big week for me. I'll keep you posted!
Have a good one everybody. Be good, and stay blessed...
Since the last time I had a blog post, the Republicans have taken back control of the house, and I went to my job all last week and earned a living. Overall, it wasn't a bad week (LOL!!!)...
...but seriously, this past week wasn't bad. I managed to get quite a bit done in a very short amount of time, and did it all on my own accordance. Overall, pretty good time had by all.
Remember, you read the following at your own risk, and if you get offended, just keep this in mind. You can always go somewhere else if you don't like what I post or do not agree with my point-of-view. No one is stopping you!
Getting into a "random topic of the day" category, what's your opinion on people who live off of government programs and subsidies who are just flat out lazy and refuse to (A) get a job, or (B) do anything with their life that's worthwhile?...
I'm not talking about people who are "really" in need of it (such as retirees or something similiar to that), or those who had a workplace injury and are to the point where they're in pain from the moment they wake up in the morning till the moment they go back to sleep, or even those who have a sickness such as addiction, chronic health issues, and etc. That's a completely different thing that I understand fully (and believe me, I'm not saying anything negative about that or anyone who falls into any of those categories). I'm talking about those who work under the table, earn kick-backs from other sources that are not reported, and get involved in MAJOR physical activity...yet, once a month, they walk to their mailbox (or sit in front of their computer and look at their self-over-stated bank statement via direct deposit), and get a check from the government that they shouldn't even be getting a penny of (and I'm sure everyone has known someone at some point or another that is like this). That's what I'm talking about...those that commit "fraud" and cheat the system.
There are people who really need that money more-so than others, but because of loop-holes in the laws, there are people who should be entitled to the maximum amount of benefits who are not, and then those who have no other life but cheating & lying get their wallets padded in the end. It doesn't seem right to me!
Speaking of benefits, same idea goes for the SNAP program in this country as well (which for those of you from the generations before this one, that's the new name for the food stamp program). I'm all for helping those in need and families that are having a tough go of it (always have been and always will be...after all, I was one of those kids who lived off of the government programs at one point in my life when I was MUCH younger), but I tend to have a real issue with certain parents (and I'm sure you've known a few) who every nine-months pop out a baby, then as quickly as they gave birth, they're pregnant again...but by a different father. Sometimes, it really seems as if the government programs (like SNAP) are only built these days for situations as listed in the previous sentence. I know they're not, but sometimes it seems that way.
Life is precious, but so is common-sense. Seriously, how tough is it as a male to keep it in your pants, and as a woman to keep your legs closed?...I'm really beginning to wonder about that myself. I'm all for people having kids and starting a family, but I think once you hit double digits of offspring and every-one of the child support payments you're receiving for those children are coming from different sources, I think it's time to re-evaluate your life choices!
Moving onto a completely different subject (and one that I'm sure will cause a little bit of a stir if the previous opinions haven't already), it's been close to a year-and-a-half ago now that I was a paul bearer and a part of laying to rest a pioneer and innovator of Lima Radio, "Les Rau". I look back on everything he (and Art Versnick included) did to bring great radio and entertainment to my hometown of Lima, and it makes me smile. It's sort of funny because at the funeral, Art stood up and spoke, and with his trademark deep yet projecting voice said, "if we would have known then what we know now, we wouldn't have sold the stations as we did".
I bring that up to transition to what I'm about to say.
I honestly believe that the day that I, along with the others involved in carrying Mr. Rau's casket to his final resting place, carried not just the man who helped in the re-inventing & pioneering of entertaining radio in Lima to his grave, but I felt as I was walking away from the graveside service and back to the car, "Lima radio is now officially dead"...and, I even said that to my dad when we got back into the car on the way back to the church for the traditional meal.
I believe that the day that Les Rau was laid to rest was the day that Lima radio officially ceased to exist anymore. There are still stations on the air in Lima (don't get me wrong), but it's not ANYTHING like it once was. All interaction & area-related programming in Lima radio has been replaced by people (with the exception of a VERY select few) who do not care one bit about what goes out over the air, and that is more than evident and clear when you turn the stations on. It's pretty sad when the majority of the people I associate with will listen to radio outside of the area, and won't even touch what Lima has to offer...and you know, I don't blame them. I spent just over twelve-and-a-half years in the radio business in Lima in various positions from board-op, to imaging director, to MD, to APD, to writer/producer (yes, an ACTUAL producer...NOT a board-op), and progressively over the last 2-4 years (I'd say from late 2006 up to now), the climate for radio in Lima has just taken a dramatic (and sometimes turbulent) downfall. You've got one group of stations that have the highest rated stations in town with little to no dollars to show for it...then, the opposite on the other end of town with a cluster that has so much money they don't know what to do with it (so they build kitchenettes & put flat screen TV's in the studios that serve no real purpose), but yet in the end, they can't seem to even come close to the number one rated station in town if they combined all of their clustered stations ratings together. It makes absolutely no sense!
It's kind of embarrasing when the christian station that still has turn-tables and cassette decks in their production rooms and on-air studios that is supported off of listener donations has better programming and a better product on the air than the commercial really is!, radio, radio...that was what I started my life out doing. I'm not involved in it anymore, but I used to be.
You know, I've been thinking more and more lately about what would've happened had I never got into the business in the first place, and I walk away with the answer..."I don't know". I have a pretty good concept on what "might" have happened, but of course unless I know for sure (which I do not), then I'll never really know. All I know is that I'm starting to reach the point now after being out of the business for just under a year-and-a-half that I'm starting to miss it. I don't miss the general jargon I had to go through in the Lima market, but I miss the business itself. I miss the fun I used to have...I miss the people I used to be able to interact with...I miss being able to basically be a production factory for people who can actually PROGRAM...but most of all, I miss my first love. I know that sounds so cheesy and self-centered, but I do. Unless there is a dramatic turn of events anytime soon (which I do not see happening), I will never work in Lima radio ever again...although, I do find it rather interesting (and I'm sure you will too) that my former employer of Maverick Media Of Lima kept me on as an independent contractor for just over six months after I left in May of 2009, so I guess I wasn't ALL bad (but, it is sort of a funny story when you hear WHY they won't use me anymore for their outside work, it really is...which maybe I might have to get into at a later time and place if I can get the time).
On a TV now, for anyone that is a fan of good cable television and Horror Movies (and also anyone that likes to have the "you-know-what" scared out of them), check into "The Walking Dead" on AMC sunday nights at 10pm. As Vanity Fair said, it's "The Best New Show On Television". Check it out!
Well, that's it...that's all I have for right now. Time to start another work week, and this has the potential to be a REALLY big week for me. I'll keep you posted!
Have a good one everybody. Be good, and stay blessed...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Debut Blog Post... (I hope it's a good one...!)
Greetings Everyone:
It's been quite a while since I've written a blog entry on any website that had any relevance to anything outside of my line of work. In fact, I'd say it's almost been the length of time since I've been active in Facebook, around 2-3 years now (at most). In that time, I've seen the internet and news sort of flip-flop in the sense that while news outlets such as NBC, CNN, FOX, etc...are still credible news sources, a good portion of real-time and on-scene reporting is now done more via outlets like YouTube, Facebook, and the other social networking sites that are out there.
Speaking of news outlets, newspapers have also taken a dramatic turn in the last 3-5 years across the board...and even with my local paper "The Lima News", it's NOTHING like it used to be. It's still readable, but not nearly as jam-packed as it once was. Their website however is flooded with ads, blogs, articles, etc...and, video stories shot from the employees at the paper have now become a main-stay and daily part of the way they report what's going on in the area. It is a far cry from the old business model of the 20th century of a print based product, but quite frankly, the 21st century ways of life changed everything else that is a part of our everyday life period.
On the subject of changes over the last few years, here's something to ponder for those of us who grew up with being taught as we were in the 1980's and up through the 90's (and even earlier than that)...and this may not seem like a big deal to some, but it is sort of a scary thing to me in a way.
Around 20-25 years ago, I was first taught the basics of the Dewey Decimal System. For years going up through my time in High School, I used it to find reference material for book reports, school projects, and even just books to read for myself. Now, everything is cataloged on a hard drive and updated in real-time (which is cool, don't get me wrong)...but, here's a thought. The next generation that comes up (which from all accounts will be in the next 5-10 years, give or take) will have everything on computer and a good portion of everything will be paper-less. Let's say for the sake of argument that those computers go down (because as you know, computers are flawless...wink wink, nudge nudge). How will those students or young people find anything?...'s a funny thing to think about, but it's also sort of scary at the same time. Reading is really is!
Shifting gears now, let's talk politics. I'm going to be very straight up with you here as I want all of you to know where I'm coming from when I discuss the state of my hometown, my state, and my country. I am a registered Republican. I tend to vote more to the right, but that does not always mean I'll vote that way. I vote for who I feel will be the better candidate, I just happen to agree more with the Republican point-of-view rather than not...and here's my gripe right now.
I live in the State Of Ohio, and with the exception of the Cordray/DeWine race, there is really no one in any race going on anywhere this cycle that I want to vote for or work for...and chastise me if you like, but I'm not a Mike DeWine fan. I just can't pull the trigger on him. He's sort of like the Brett Favre of politics at this point. He should have stayed retired back in 2006 when he left the first time that way his legacy would've stayed intact. Now, (at least from my side of things) he's just running to run because he's bored and has nothing better to do. I think he was a good Lieutenant Governor in his day, his Senate record was so-so, but none-the-less, he still served Ohio to the best of his ability...but seriously, when he was done in the Senate, he should have just stayed retired.
So, even though I respect his record in public service, I will not be voting for Mike DeWine today!
In the Governor's race, I think it's too close to call...and the reason I think it's too close to call is because we have the incumbent who's success record in the State reads like the platinum and gold status of William Hung & Keven Federline, going up against a guy who has had success on Wall Street...for himself!
Basically, it's the lesser of two evils here. Do I vote for the guy who is lazy and does nothing except show up on TV every few weeks for an appearance and try to convince me that statistics don't matter, or do I vote for the guy who destroyed lives and kept the money for himself?... hmm, weigh the pros and cons. You see what I mean?
Speaking of people who are worth about the change I have in my pocket, someone please tell Sarah Palin to go away. She's killing the GOP. Putting aside her looks, what has she done that means anything for the majority of people?...
Don't talk to me about family values Mrs. Palin when you can't even get your own house in order. With all due respect, I'm sure it's not an easy job doing what she does...but, just once, is it possible to be pro-active rather than re-active when approaching a conflict?... I'm just curious.
OK...on a much lighter note, let's talk about music. What was the last album you bought?... upping the game, what was the last "new" album you bought as well?...
Just sort of a question I've been wanting to ask for a while now, take your time and get back with me.
That's all I have for right now. As I get more, I'll post...but, I hope you've enjoyed my first blog post and have been entertained. Remember, you read at your own risk, and if you get offended, just keep this in mind. You can always go somewhere else if you don't like what I post or do not agree with my point-of-view. No one is stopping you!
Have fun in life, and treat others like you would like to be treated. Be Blessed...
It's been quite a while since I've written a blog entry on any website that had any relevance to anything outside of my line of work. In fact, I'd say it's almost been the length of time since I've been active in Facebook, around 2-3 years now (at most). In that time, I've seen the internet and news sort of flip-flop in the sense that while news outlets such as NBC, CNN, FOX, etc...are still credible news sources, a good portion of real-time and on-scene reporting is now done more via outlets like YouTube, Facebook, and the other social networking sites that are out there.
Speaking of news outlets, newspapers have also taken a dramatic turn in the last 3-5 years across the board...and even with my local paper "The Lima News", it's NOTHING like it used to be. It's still readable, but not nearly as jam-packed as it once was. Their website however is flooded with ads, blogs, articles, etc...and, video stories shot from the employees at the paper have now become a main-stay and daily part of the way they report what's going on in the area. It is a far cry from the old business model of the 20th century of a print based product, but quite frankly, the 21st century ways of life changed everything else that is a part of our everyday life period.
On the subject of changes over the last few years, here's something to ponder for those of us who grew up with being taught as we were in the 1980's and up through the 90's (and even earlier than that)...and this may not seem like a big deal to some, but it is sort of a scary thing to me in a way.
Around 20-25 years ago, I was first taught the basics of the Dewey Decimal System. For years going up through my time in High School, I used it to find reference material for book reports, school projects, and even just books to read for myself. Now, everything is cataloged on a hard drive and updated in real-time (which is cool, don't get me wrong)...but, here's a thought. The next generation that comes up (which from all accounts will be in the next 5-10 years, give or take) will have everything on computer and a good portion of everything will be paper-less. Let's say for the sake of argument that those computers go down (because as you know, computers are flawless...wink wink, nudge nudge). How will those students or young people find anything?...'s a funny thing to think about, but it's also sort of scary at the same time. Reading is really is!
Shifting gears now, let's talk politics. I'm going to be very straight up with you here as I want all of you to know where I'm coming from when I discuss the state of my hometown, my state, and my country. I am a registered Republican. I tend to vote more to the right, but that does not always mean I'll vote that way. I vote for who I feel will be the better candidate, I just happen to agree more with the Republican point-of-view rather than not...and here's my gripe right now.
I live in the State Of Ohio, and with the exception of the Cordray/DeWine race, there is really no one in any race going on anywhere this cycle that I want to vote for or work for...and chastise me if you like, but I'm not a Mike DeWine fan. I just can't pull the trigger on him. He's sort of like the Brett Favre of politics at this point. He should have stayed retired back in 2006 when he left the first time that way his legacy would've stayed intact. Now, (at least from my side of things) he's just running to run because he's bored and has nothing better to do. I think he was a good Lieutenant Governor in his day, his Senate record was so-so, but none-the-less, he still served Ohio to the best of his ability...but seriously, when he was done in the Senate, he should have just stayed retired.
So, even though I respect his record in public service, I will not be voting for Mike DeWine today!
In the Governor's race, I think it's too close to call...and the reason I think it's too close to call is because we have the incumbent who's success record in the State reads like the platinum and gold status of William Hung & Keven Federline, going up against a guy who has had success on Wall Street...for himself!
Basically, it's the lesser of two evils here. Do I vote for the guy who is lazy and does nothing except show up on TV every few weeks for an appearance and try to convince me that statistics don't matter, or do I vote for the guy who destroyed lives and kept the money for himself?... hmm, weigh the pros and cons. You see what I mean?
Speaking of people who are worth about the change I have in my pocket, someone please tell Sarah Palin to go away. She's killing the GOP. Putting aside her looks, what has she done that means anything for the majority of people?...
Don't talk to me about family values Mrs. Palin when you can't even get your own house in order. With all due respect, I'm sure it's not an easy job doing what she does...but, just once, is it possible to be pro-active rather than re-active when approaching a conflict?... I'm just curious.
OK...on a much lighter note, let's talk about music. What was the last album you bought?... upping the game, what was the last "new" album you bought as well?...
Just sort of a question I've been wanting to ask for a while now, take your time and get back with me.
That's all I have for right now. As I get more, I'll post...but, I hope you've enjoyed my first blog post and have been entertained. Remember, you read at your own risk, and if you get offended, just keep this in mind. You can always go somewhere else if you don't like what I post or do not agree with my point-of-view. No one is stopping you!
Have fun in life, and treat others like you would like to be treated. Be Blessed...
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